Exhibitor Registration
Don’t miss the 29th Quiet Adventures Symposium! This year’s slogan is “Connect with Adventure”. The event promises to be bigger and better than ever as we bring you the best outdoor gear, demonstrations, exhibits and speakers found anywhere. Register now if you wish to connect to an audience that may, again, exceed 2,300 outdoor enthusiasts! Here is the latest list of Exhibitors!
Please review the information below prior to beginning the registration process.
The online registration process requires contact information and the type of organization being registered. QAS will not publish contact information. If your organization does not have a name enter your last name plus the word Exhibit (ex. Smith Exhibit). Sponsors who need a booth or booths should register here. The registration site works best with the GOOGLE CHROME search engine. While the Late Registration pricing is now in place, we still have booths available.
Exhibitor Packages
QAS values each of our exhibitors and what they bring to the event. We have developed exhibitor packages for five types of exhibitors requesting booth space: commercial, non-commercial, demonstration, appreciation, and sponsor. Please choose one of these packages when registering for your booth space.
Exhibitor – Commercial Package (early registration through January 20, $175/space - late registration through February 3, $225/space): In general, if you are not a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization and you sell something at the show or after the show to people you meet at your exhibit, you are a commercial exhibitor. The exception is those exhibitors who are involved in fundraising to support a cause or charity. They are non-commercial exhibitors.
Exhibitor – Non-Commercial Package (early registration through January 20, $30/space - late registration through February 3, $45/space): All non-commercial exhibitors are those involved in education, conservation, historic preservation, tourism promotion, or event promotion. Examples are clubs, non-profits, educational groups, youth groups and sales of goods to support a non-profit group.
Demonstration Package – Selected exhibitors may spend the day demonstrating skills. Contact EventManager@QuietAdventures.org to find out if your booth would qualify for a discount for the Demonstration. Usually these are booths in the Arena with boat building, fly tying, etc.
This year exhibitors proposing a demonstration have the option to submit a proposal on the Proposal Form for a QAS Demonstration space. The spaces will be in the Arena or the Exhibit Area on raised platforms or specially designated areas. Demonstration exhibitors selected will be eligible for free booth space and two free event entries. A schedule with times and places for demonstrations will be posted and made available to attendees. QAS Demonstrations should share knowledge that attendees can use to better enjoy non-motorized, outdoor recreation. They must be presented live and use props, or the actual materials involved. Official QAS Demonstrations will be selected from the submissions.
Appreciation Exhibitor Package – A complimentary registration is offered to a symposium speaker as recognition of their contribution. It includes one booth space and two complimentary event entries. It is also available for symposium financial sponsors and to working partners who help make the event possible. All requests for the Appreciation Exhibitor Package must be approved by the Event Manager at EventManager@QuietAdventures.org.
Sponsor Exhibitor Package – Select this package to sponsor a show venue. Please see the numerous options at QAS 2024 Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities Bulletin.
Booth Space
Please select the number of booth spaces you wish to purchase. The rates listed reflect the cost for one booth space. Charges apply for each additional booth space. Booth spaces on the concrete floor in the Exhibit Area are 10 feet wide on the aisle side but can be 10 or 15 feet in depth. Spaces on the dirt floor in the Arena are 15 feet by 15 feet.
Booth Location
We will be using a first come, first served method for assigning specific booths, considering expressed preferences where possible. Please review the zones on the Exhibit Floor Layout. Identify your first and second choice zones by letter (rather than a specific booth location). Provide additional information in the text field about your preferred booth location including other exhibitors you’d like to be nearby. We cannot guarantee the requested zone will have spots available when your registration is received. We will work to make sure your booth location is great for you and your exhibit. Space assignments will be made by the Event Manager the week of January 8, before late registration begins and penalties are imposed for withdrawing from the Symposium.
Tables and Chairs
The booth registration includes up to two tables and four chairs. The tables are 8 feet long by 2.5 feet wide. There is a fee to the exhibitor for additional tables and chairs. Indicate the number of tables and chairs to be provided by QAS for your exhibit. You must order the appropriate quantities at the time of registration.
Please let us know if you require access to an electrical outlet in your exhibit space. Not all booths will have easy access to an outlet, so you are strongly encouraged to bring a 25'-50' heavy-duty extension cord. NOTE: If you need electricity be sure to bring extension cords with multiple plugs on the end.
Exhibit Category - This section asks you to identify a general description of your exhibit. A list of options will be provided within a drop-down menu. The category will be printed in the program booklet to help interested guests find you at the show.
Booth Staffing
You may register up to two (2) support staff per booth with free entry who will assist in your booth. Name badges will be REQUIRED for all exhibit booth staff to gain admission to the event. Provide QAS with staff names by Feb 10 so we can print the official badges.
Invoicing will be done with your registration. While the process is automated it may require changes by the Quiet Adventures staff. If you have any questions on your invoice or do not see a credit issued for complimentary booths associated with sponsors, speakers, demonstrations, please contact us at EventManager@QuietAdventures.org
We will close booth registration on Feb 15. If you wish to register a booth, contact eventmanager@quietadventures.org to see if there are any remaining booths.
Book before January 20 to get the best rates. All payments received after Feb 3 are subject to an Administrative fee. If you pay in full when you book the booth no additional late payment fee will be added.
Important Dates & Information
EXHIBITOR SETUP | TEARDOWN TIMES- Friday, March 1, 2024, from 1:00 pm to 7:00 PM. Exhibitors are encouraged to set up on Friday. It is easier to get vehicles into the building for unloading when they do not all arrive at the same time. It gives the floor time to dry and the building time to warm back up. It also gives you time to address any problems with your display before the show starts.
- Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. All vehicles must be out of the building by 8:30 AM.
- Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM - all tear down must be completed between these times.
DEADLINES- January 20, 2024 - Early registration ends. This is the last date for Commercial Exhibitors to register at $175 per space and Non-Commercial Exhibitors to register at $30 per space. Booth locations for all exhibitors who registered early are finalized based on information supplied in the registration form.
- January 21, 2024 - Late registration begins. Cost per space for late registration is $225 for a Commercial Exhibit and $45 for a Non-Commercial Exhibit. Booth locations are based solely on availability. There is no guarantee that a returning exhibitor who registers late will be assigned the same booth space as in previous years.
- February 3, 2024 - Last day to request any additional tables and/or chairs for your booth. It is unlikely that tables and/or chairs will be available to those who register after this date.
- February 3, 2024 - All payments must be received by Quiet Adventures Society. Please add to the Amount Due a $15.00 administrative fee if making payment after February 3, 2024. If you register a booth after Feb 3 and pay for it at the time, you are not subject to the $15 administrative fee, but you must select the Late Registration Package. Also, you will not be included in our printer QAS program booklet after this date.
- February 15, 2024 or until booths fill - Registration system closes. You may contact our Event Manager to inquire about any remaining booth spaces through Feb 28, but you will not be listed in the printed QAS program booklet. Miss this date and your exhibit will only be listed on the QAS website, if any booths are still available.
- March 2, 2024 at 8:00 am - All vehicles used to transport exhibits and supplies must exit the Pavilion by this time, before the show starts. Later arrivals mean hand carrying in materials to reach booths.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ACCEPTANCE OF LEGAL TERMSExhibitor shall provide adequate personnel. Exhibitor shall be responsible for setup/removal of all equipment by deadlines. Exhibitor is responsible for neat, safe, and orderly operations of exhibition space at all times. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify the Quiet Adventures Society for any and all damage resulting from Exhibitor’s use of the exhibition space during the Quiet Adventures Symposium. Exhibitor must comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations of any lawful authority, agency, or government unit, which apply to vending or exhibiting activities. Quiet Adventures Society assumes no liability for products or equipment used or left unattended in the Exhibit area during or after Quiet Adventures Symposium exhibition hours. No refunds will be made for cancelation or failure to appear. No refunds due to weather. Submission of the application indicates understanding and agreement with these terms.
__________________________________________________________________________________________REGISTER TODAYIf you have any questions, please contact
Lauren Smith or Cynthia Donovan Email: EventManager@QuietAdventures.org
Phone: 517-376-4844 and leave a message
Thank you for supporting the Quiet Adventures Symposium!